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Underestimated the complexity of building work hence the late completion. Damage to ceiling will be made good. Contractors professional and competent.
- H
Expensive rubbish
- S
Although I I got a speedy response sadly my home was not compatible with a lift
- B
I wouldn't use "home lift quotes " services again as the offer of £50 voucher has never materialised and I've had a number of pushy sales calls. I would however 100% recommend companion stairlifts whom is also the same company as age uk. They come out explain everything and leave you a price and phone number and say it would be lovely to hear from you and that's it. No hard sell like another company i could mention.
- C
This is all a little premature as we have only just had the first visit to give us a quote.
- D
The whole thing is outsourced to different groups, The pollock guys were great, as we the asbestos guy (cost twice the going rate for meter square removal) Was supposed to have started on November 21st but wasn’t done till December 20th
- T